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Setting boundaries and being mindful: The self-care challenge for working mothers

As working mothers in a world of constant activity and high expectations, we face a huge challenge: How can we set our own boundaries while being mindful of ourselves? How can we break through the maelstrom of constant giving and functioning and put our wellbeing and needs first? In this blog post, I would like to talk about the importance of self-care from my perspective as a working mother and give some practical examples of how we can implement it in our everyday lives. Myth of Selflessness and Mental Load In our society, mothers are often...

Alone as a couple - a pandemic of commitment-phobia and apathy?

Am Anfang der Beziehung scheint alles wunderbar, mehr noch, ein Partner wie aus dem Bilderbuch, die Erfüllung aller Sehnsüchte. Nach einiger Zeit zeigen sich die ersten Fluchttendenzen, dann, wenn es zu irgendwelchen Konfrontationen kommt, auch wenn diese noch lange nicht ernst oder gravierend sind. Ich erkenne die Anzeichen, ignoriere sie aber geflissentlich, zu verlockend ist der Traum, dass diese Beziehung wirklich etwas ganz Besonderes werden könnte. Außerdem tut die Zuneigung und Aufmerksamkeit nach der letzten großen Katastrophe einfach gut. Sie lädt dazu ein, die Wunden zu lecken und das angeschlagene Selbstwertgefühl wieder aufzubauen. Sechs Jahre später sitze ich hier...

Motherhood as a feminist - an opportunity or an obstacle?

As a modern feminist, one often wonders whether motherhood is compatible with a feminist approach and whether it is possible to see motherhood as something positive. In many feminist debates, motherhood is seen as a disruptive factor that prevents women from pursuing their own goals and ambitions. But is this the only perspective? Can motherhood really be enjoyed as a feminist woman? In this article I would like to engage in a discourse on motherhood based on a positive and feminist image of motherhood. Introduction: Motherhood and Feminism in Tension A common aspect of the discussion on motherhood in feminism is the...

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Book recommendation: "The End of Marriage" by Emilia Roig

A revolutionary analysis of patriarchal power structures Emilia Roig's non-fiction book, The End of Marriage, takes us on a fascinating journey through the power structures of patriarchy as manifested in the institution of marriage. With remarkable candour and sound arguments, Roig critiques the patriarchal power embedded in marriage and shows how women are systematically exploited and oppressed. The book is divided into several chapters, each of which focuses on one main topic. First, Roig highlights the influence of patriarchal and cultural patterns on our choice of partners and our understanding of love. She describes the effects of inequality in relationships and...