As a feminist mother, I often feel burdened by a phenomenon that weakens us women on so many levels: mother-bashing. It has become a sad part of our society that mothers are criticised, judged and belittled. But why are we doing this to ourselves, and why is this another tool of the patriarchy to keep us in its clutches?
We live in a world that constantly places unrealistic expectations on us. As mothers, we are expected to be perfect housewives, have a career, raise our children in the best possible way and look good all the time. No wonder we feel trapped in a constant state of pressure and comparison. But instead of supporting each other, we often seem to be unwittingly part of this culture of mother-bashing.
We hear the snide comments exchanged behind our backs. We see the perfect Instagram pictures that only show the best moments in other mothers' lives and make us feel inadequate. We read the judgmental articles that suggest we never do enough, are never enough.
But let's get one thing straight: Mother bashing is a tool of the patriarchy to control us and keep us down. By pitting us against each other, we divert our energy and solidarity away from the real causes of our problems. We should not compare ourselves to other mothers, but fight together for our common rights.
It is time to free ourselves from this mother bashing. It is time to see ourselves as sisters, supporting, encouraging and inspiring each other. Instead of judging other mothers, let's ask ourselves how we can change the social structures that force us into these impossible roles. Let's stand in solidarity and protest loudly against the unfair expectations that crush us.
Let's recognise the real cause of our frustration: it's not the other mothers who are our problem. It is the patriarchy that forces us into a corset of unrealistic expectations. It is time to join forces to challenge these structures and fight for a more just world where mothers are respected and supported.
Let's live together the values of solidarity, empowerment and equality. Let's leave the mother bashing behind and concentrate on what is important: strengthening and protecting our rights as mothers, as women, as human beings.