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Tag: Selbstfürsorge

Mother bashing: a patriarchal trap we must escape from

As a feminist mother, I often feel burdened by a phenomenon that weakens us women on so many levels: mother-bashing. It has become a sad part of our society that mothers are criticised, judged and belittled. But why are we doing this to ourselves, and why is this another tool of the patriarchy to keep us in its clutches? We live in a world that constantly places unrealistic expectations on us. As mothers, we are expected to be perfect housewives, have a career, raise our children in the best possible way and always look good. No wonder we find ourselves in a constant state of pressure and comparison...

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Setting boundaries and being mindful: The self-care challenge for working mothers

As working mothers in a world of constant activity and high expectations, we face a huge challenge: How can we set our own boundaries while being mindful of ourselves? How can we break through the maelstrom of constant giving and functioning and put our wellbeing and needs first? In this blog post, I would like to talk about the importance of self-care from my perspective as a working mother and give some practical examples of how we can implement it in our everyday lives. Myth of Selflessness and Mental Load In our society, mothers are often...

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